List of important policies for a company – you need to have

Ever wondered why policies for a company are important? You must have heard a zillion times about implementing policies. This article is going to satisfy your curiosity.

Clear policies for a company are a win-win situation for employees as well as employers. Policies for a company are guidelines set for employees and employers for the better health of a company. These guidelines further help to make businesses compliant-friendly.  Let us have a look at a list of important policies for a company:

Important policies for a company:

policies for a company

  •         Workplace health and safety:

Workplace health and safety is of utmost importance. This is one of the best policies for a company. This policy empowers employees. It is significant for business reputation and growth to provide a safe and healthy working environment to employees and employers.

Health and safety at the workplace vary from industry to industry. You should write a customized health and safety policy for your industry. In order to draft apt policies, you can get in touch with an advisor. Health and safety policy must include how-to guides for handling harmful equipment, a roadmap to get out of emergency situations, etc. Your employee safety within your organization is your responsibility.

policies for a company- Qatar
Workplace health and safety – Qatar (source)

On 4 October 2020 in Qatar MADLSA (Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs) and MoPH (Ministry of Public Health) collaborated to draft National Policy on Occupational Safety and Health. The entire workflow was backed up by International Labour Organization (ILO). The official document says, “The aim of the policy is to prevent accidents, injuries and diseases arising out of, linked with or occurring in the course of work. The importance of collective efforts on safety and health at work has been further underscored by the COVID-19  pandemic”.

  •         Equal opportunity policy:

Equal opportunity policy aims to avail equal opportunities for employees. EOP prevents discrimination among employees on the basis of race, religion, caste, gender, status, etc. In Qatar, the equal opportunity policy is especially highlighted for women workers.

In Qatar, there is no policy against unlawful discrimination. Gender equality and female empowerment is the vision of Qatar. This pushes businesses to offer a safer workplace with positive vibes. This further ensures equal pay for women and participation at the highest posts. A report says, “around 20 percent of business records in Qatar are registered by Qatari businesswomen – an increase from 1400 business records in 2015 to nearly 4000 in 2020” The government keeps improving the policies to help women get freedom and ability to make their own decisions.

  •         Employee complaint policies:

In an organization with a good number of people, you must craft a professional way to take care of grievances of employees or employers. Grievances can be due to many reasons including the rift between colleagues, payroll issues, financial problems, harassment, etc.  The victim should be allowed to document their concern and send it to the selected authority. This will not only help to maintain a peaceful environment at the workplace but also cause less damage to the business.

Minister of administrative development, labour and social affairs H E Dr Issa bin Saad Al Jafali Al Nuaimi, has announced the preparation of receiving complaints from employees. To get a complete insight, click here.

  •         Travel policies:

If your business deals with frequent travel, you must have travel policies. If you need to physically visit long-distance clients consider drafting travel policies. Travel policies not only keep you accountable but also help in setting the right expectations.

Some of the important elements to include in travel policies are- expenses such as airfare, client entertainment, rental cars, meals, lodging, etc.  Also include expenses that are not covered by the company such as personal entertainment, cancellation fees, childcare setting, etc. This policy helps to keep the objective clear.

COVID-19 has tossed off the existing travel policy and compelled to make changes to it. Travel policies are being reviewed in Qatar and currently, inbound travel to the country is permitted.

  •         Work time and holiday policies:

A standard way to ask for a day leave or long holidays maintains the workflow. The sudden absence of employees at peak times can be a nightmare for businesses. Hence, it is a smart decision to draft work time, work schedules and holiday policies. This is another one of the most important policies for a company.

The policy includes how many days before, an employee should notify, how many days can an employee be on a leave at a go, how many paid leaves are allowed, whom should they contact, etc. Each business demand different input and policies vary accordingly.

Drafting an employee work schedule is one of the most significant policies for a company. Prominent types of work schedules businesses usually follow are fixed-time schedule, part-time schedule, full-time, rotating shift schedules, etc. Work time policy changes in Qatar in the Ramadan month.

  •         Employee code of conduct policy:

policies for a company
Code of conduct policy helps employees to  know do’s and don’ts

Code of conduct policy helps employees to understand the performance and behaviour of businesses. This policy encompasses what gifts can be exchanged, dress code, devices allowed to bring, use of social media during work hours, etc. This policy helps employees to get a clear idea of the do’s and don’ts at the workplace.

Code of conducts aware employees of what is not tolerated at the workplace. It leaves a good impression on investors and stakeholders and tells about the high ethics and standards of the company.

Policies keep changing with time. For instance, currently, most of the businesses have incorporated wearing masks in the policy.

Policies should align with the vision of the company. Each company has slightly different policies based on work culture and industry.

Expert analyses and assist policies with high standards that foster the growth of businesses.  I hope you got a crisp and articulated idea on the list of important policies for a company. If you are confused or need a customized audit,  Puvanesvarar Mailvanganam will help you out for free on your first task. Do not miss the opportunity, click here.

Puvanesvarar Maivanaganam has 18+ years of experience in the industry. The experience and up to date knowledge back up his umpteenth knowledge on legal necessities of the business. He is currently helping businesses in auditing their policy for a limited time for free. Call now.

Also Read : Business types in Qatar – a guide to help you select the best business type.


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